my writing bio

Freelance clients

Prescribe Practice Management (2023 - present)

HealthSpace Property (2023)

RX Property Australia (2022 - present)

Medical Rooms Online (2021-present)

General Practice Training Queensland (2018 - 2022)

France Travel Solutions (2022)

Mater Health Services (2017-2021) 

Brisbane Grammar School (2019-2021)

Mater Education (2018-2020)

Australian Society of Ophthalmologists (2012-2020)


Strategic content writer & editor

Freelance (2011 - present)

Media and Communications consultant

Vanguard Health (2009-2011)


Doctor Q Magazine - AMA Queensland (2006-2008)

Media and Communications Manager

AMA Queensland (2004-2005)

Public Affairs Manager

Mater Health Services (2003-2004)

Media Manager

AMA Queensland (2002-2003)

Media Officer

AMA Queensland (2000-2002)


The Sunday Mail (Queensland Newspapers)(1999-2000)

Cadet journalist 

The Ayr Advocate & The Home HIll Observer (North Queensland Newspapers)(1998-1999)

©️Sarah Todman 2023